The Dust Has Settled!

Actually the dust was swept up and mopped away. Construction to the shop is finally complete! The office furniture has been hauled upstairs! We are in! Still have a bit of decorating and organizing to do. But we are loving the all the extra space!

And Buck is loving his "window seat" where he can keep an eye on all the daily street activity and on me. Working out plans for the other "bay window" - could make for a nifty storage solution with the right shelving. Curtains might be nice too. There's plenty of time to dress the space up!
If all this wasn't enough moving excitement for the year, has moved to a brand new home on the internet! That's right! New look, new platform. The new site launched on the 24th of May and is now receiving visitors. Which you already know if you are reading this!
Note if you have an existing account with us (set up before 5-24-23), you will have to change your log-in info.
We hope you love the new look and features as much as we do! Please let us know!