Pardon Our Appearance

Episode 1 - It Begins
Since 2014, Zeppa Studios has occupied a kinda cute former bistro space in the basement of a brick building in beautiful downtown Pearisburg, VA. (entry shown above)
For the past several years, we have been tripping over each other to fulfill orders during the Q4 crazies. Especially after the 2020 supply chain issues forced us to stock up on some very bulky inventory.
This January I decided it was time to get serious and find a bigger space. The thought of moving filled me with dread.
I asked our landlord if his company had a larger space available. He asked if I would like to take over about 1000 empty sq ft directly above us. Less hassle for me since I don’t have to move the WHOLE SHOP, and he keeps a tenant and fills a vacancy. Win, Win!

I took a look at the space in March and was crestfallen. What a mess. (see above) But not having to move the WHOLE SHOP was still very appealing. So with a renovations plan hammered out, in May I said yes. We talked about wrapping up the renovations in August.
It was hurry up and wait all summer long as days went by and nothing happened. I started to convince myself we didn’t really need the expansion. I wanted the move so badly this spring but by August I was asking myself if I really was up for this commitment. Anything could happen.
Then on September 12, the guys showed up to put the staircase in…ok, yes! Let’s do this! Not turning back now! Here are the before and during pics (more to come as construction continues) of where the stairs will go...

We are still open for business and shipping orders on time, although we'll be a bit cramped until the upstairs is finished.
Stay tuned for Episode 2 to see how we’re coming along.