National Card and Letter Writing Month Is Here!

If you never heard of it, the U.S. Postal Service officially designated April National Card & Letter Writing Month in 2001 “to raise awareness of the importance and historical significance of card and letter writing.”
We celebrate the not yet lost art of manual correspondence by giving away boxes of our note cards every April. You can check this year's giveaway here.
But this post isn't about our giveaway...
If you are stuck at home and running out of things to do, writing letters and/or making cards are great projects for kids and adults alike.
You could make and send cards or letters to your loved ones stuck somewhere else, to the military, to people in nursing homes or to medical staffers and all the other super heroes out there.
The write_on campaign has an annual challenge - 30 letters in 30 days!
If thirty seems like too many, make up your own goal. Pretty by Post ran a 5 day challenge last year.
Hallmark has two awesome calendars full of ideas of letters to for kids and one for adults.
And the internet is chock full of crafty card making projects... Quick and Easy Cards to Make, 20 Card Making Ideas for Kids or watch this Cool Card Making Video .
Go ahead! Make a card, write a letter, post it and bring a smile to someone's face!
Lord knows we all could use a smile!