Let's Do the Dog Walk Again!

Holy spring flowers, Batman, it's May already! And on the 28th, I, Buckaroo Banzai, Jr. Lab Assistant, will be three years old!
Once again my wish for my birthday is to help Lab Rescue of the LRCP beat their fundraising goal for their annual Dog Walk on June 5th this year!
It's a really fun event that none of the Lab Assistants have ever been able to go to, but it went virtual last year and again this year, so we can pawticipate!
Here's how you can help...
1. Visit our Virtual Dog Walk page - https://giving.lab-rescue.org/buckzeppa - and make a donation! I did it...it's Easy Peasy.
2. Shop with us. We're donating 20% of all sales (not just the ones that come in from our Virtual Vendor link) in May through the Dog Walk finale to our Lab Rescue fundraising page. You'll get a 10% off bonus as well when you use coupon code 4LABS at checkout. (The coupon expires midnight June 8th)
3. Share the fundraiser! If you can't help with a donation or purchase right now, just let all your Lab loving, rescue supporting friends know about the Dog Walk! #walkforthelabs
Let's blow the lid off that fundraising goal and help less fortunate Labs find loving homes!
PS You can check out my walk from last year via our Instagram Highlight called For Rescue!