Our Gift Guide for Dog Moms

Welcome to our 2024 Gift Guide for Dog Moms!
Yes, this is being strategically posted just in time for Mother's Day shopping, but to be fair, you may need a gift for a Dog Mom at anytime of the year...birthdays, holidays, new puppy days....
Yes, we are highlighting a lot of our own products...cuz they make great Dog Mom gifts! That is their raison d'etre!
Yes, we are also highlighting stuff we don't make or sell ourselves but do love. These ARE NOT affiliate links. We just think these things that we don't make DO make great gifts for Dog Moms. Maybe we'll get our act together some day and partner with some of these businesses but for now...we're just recommending them because we want to and we think you'll like them too.
We would have called this the ULTIMATE Dog Mom Gift Guide...but it's not. I am sure we have missed some other great stuff that we would love and other Dog Moms would love and we'll add to this post as we discover new and wonderful gift ideas for Dog Moms. Cuz guess what...I'm a Dog Mom...my staffers are Dog Moms...my friends are Dog Moms...you get the idea....
Without further ado...here is our 2024 Gift Guide for Dog Moms, Mother's Day Edition.
There is no particular rhyme or reason to the order of the ideas/items we list here - well, we tried to follow the sequence of the images in the banner left to right. If none of these ideas work for you, let us know...we can do better in the next iteration of the guide with your help.
That said, we are pretty confident everyone will come away with if not the perfect gift...at least a good idea to use to start another search.
Note Cards - Send mom a handwritten note for Mother's Day! Or give her a box of note cards because she's the one who keeps up with all the family correspondence. (I know that was my Mom's job) Our pawsitively adorable cards can be personalized ("from the desk of... or whatever) on the front for FREE! Celebrate your/her love for friends, family and the furry ones!
Shop Note Cards
Jewelry - You can find a lot of cool designs in this category, but we're highlighting the creations from Three Scoops of Vanilla. Get a custom engraved image charm of your favorite critter on a beautiful beaded bracelet. Proceeds go to animal rescues. And her Labs are the cutest! I know...I've painted them.
Visit Three Scoops
Custom Mugs - Mugs are like shoes, you can never have too many of them. But this time make it a mug to remember...we'll take a photo of her favorite pup or cat or horse or person and put it on a 15 oz mug - suitable for coffee, tea, gin and tonics...
Shop Custom Mugs
Doggy Jammys - PJs make fun gifts. Who doesn't love lounge wear? (Thanks COVID). In the Company of Dogs has a great selection of PJs for dog lovers.
Visit In the Company of Dogs sleepwear.
Hand Painted Ceramics - A custom painting of your dog(s) on a ceramic platter or treat jar...a pet portrait you - she - they can use! Or not...it's ok to put these on a pedestal.
Check out our Hand Painted Ceramics
The always pupular T Shirt - Teddy the Dog makes the punniest dog t-shirts around. If you like funny t-shirts and dogs...this is your go to company. Available at the AKC Shop and their own website.
Teddy the Dog Sassy Lassie T
When Dog is her sous chef - Our fabulous linen weave aprons have a generously sized pocket with a funny message and feature her favorite breed wearing a chef's hat. They can be personalized with your/her own message for no charge.
Shop Aprons
Good Reads - There are so many good books with dogs in them or about dogs or about living with dogs, etc. We love Inside of a Dog by Alexandra Horowitz for insights into the doggy brain and we also love Dog Songs by Mary Oliver for insights into the doggy and human heart.
You, a glass of wine and the dog - really do you need anything else? We have a lovely selection of glassware for any occasion featuring our swimming dog design. OK, the design is based on a swimming Labrador Retriever...but you needn't be so literal! It's still elegant glassware.
Shop Glassware
If you are looking for a practical gift for a dog mom...practical for the dog anyway...look no further than Molly Mutt...great stylish sofa covers, crate covers, blankets, toy baskets and more. Buck loves his!